
Monday, November 1, 2010

Catch up... back to blogging

It has been awhile blog! And oh, how I have missed you. Since my last blog (late April), I have been living through peace collisions… sometimes behaving appropriately. Sometimes behaving poorly…

A catch up/the last few months

Meredith and I are expecting A BABY! (it’s a girl… she is already perfect)
-Graduated Seminary
-Grandpa Hopping passed away
-Moved from Chicago to Macomb, IL
-Started working as the Wesley Foundation Director/pastor at WIU (
-Started working as the worship director at Wesley UMC in Macomb
-Done some remodeling/painting/etc in our new home
-Many doctor visits
-Many interactions with new friends and acquaintances (you know that not everyone
we meet becomes our friend… sad but true. I’ve been working on loving people I
come into contact with).
-I’m sure there have been some other things but these have been my main foci

Meredith and I are doing well! The move has been stressful in some ways. I has been beautiful in others. I remain convinced that peace collisions are a very present part of our lives.

Until next time! peace to you!