
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Collision: more than I perceived

I was driving to class last evening thinking about peace collisions and it hit me that possibly there are many more peace collisions in life than I give credit.

Yesterday when I began this blog, I was directly associating peace collisions with the Christian faith, my Christian experience, etc. But as I thought about it, I realized that my life has been a series of peace collisions. I won’t cover them all right now. In the next few min, I will cover what I can and then post more at another time. I am going to try to star things, so that hopefully I can tie them in at another time. Ignore that, its is for my own thought process.

Childhood: Two Parents and then One

I grew up in central IL in a pretty small community. You would probably want to consider my location as ‘country’*. There was a town of approximately 100 about a mile away, but I guess my experience was ‘country’. My earliest memory is the day my father and mother split up. I do not remember any fighting, etc but I remember dad leaving with a garbage bag full of somethings. Now, I assume that the process was longer than this. He probably spent days or weeks, or maybe even a month or so cleaning out his things. So why do I have this one memory?

In no effort to be a psychologist, I am guessing that I had some sort of peace collision. I had a norm. That norm was my mother and father and my twin brother and I. We were my normal. My mom and dad both say that I was very in love with my dad as a small child (dad, I still am). As I understand I would cuddle with him, follow him, etc. So it makes sense that the separation of my mother and father would distract, upset and hurt in some ways. Even to the point of making a big traumatic event into one quiet, dark scene. So there was this event that upset my peace. I’ll bet my brother and mother and father, all have their individual memories and accounts of this upset as well. I think I was 2 or 3 when this took place. And so until now, I had always considered my normalcy (the normalcy I spoke of yesterday) as something that I knew without a two parent household. But my normalcy, my understanding, way of life, experience all started before my earliest memory.

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